Client Success Portal

BioSyncing® Blueprint for Ambitious Entrepreneurial Women.

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Meet Angela Foster.

Award-winning Nutritionist, Health & Performance Coach, Speaker and Host of the High Performance Health Podcast.

After using integrative health practices and biohacking to rebuild her physical, mental and spiritual health following burnout as a former Corporate lawyer, and going on to work with hundreds of women, Angela formulated BioSyncing®. BioSyncing® is a unique program designed for ambitious entrepreneurial women who want to stop the cycle of energy highs and lows and biohack their health so that they can 10X how they show up in their business and with their family, without burning out.


Client Success Stories...

Here's what a few of our clients are saying:

BioSync Family.

“I have been part of the BioSync family for almost a year now. It has been an amazing journey and my progress in each area of personal development have been exponential. Without even realising, I found myself regaining youthful enthusiasms with a level of physical and mental wellbeing never experience before. This is the magic of working with Angela together with so many inspiring friends! I am so looking forward to the next chapter…"




"Angela Foster has been a fantastic coach, mentor, and guide as I grappled with the complexities of menopause, empty nest, and a new entrepreneurial venture all of which converged and spun me into a strange new reality for which I felt ill-prepared. A life-long athlete, my physical fitness had always been a priority and suddenly all the things I’d done to stay trim and in shape (running, lifting, cross-training) were no longer having the desired result. My fourth and final child left for college, and I ran away to escape the quiet house. I’d left corporate law to become an aspiring entrepreneur and consultant but was riddled with imposter syndrome and self-doubt. Eventually a 10-pound layer of hormone depletion, sadness, and stress covered my body.

I was drawn to Angela Foster through her podcast but also because of her story. Like me, Angela is a former corporate lawyer, so she understood the world I’d grown up in and the frustrations I’d experienced as a professional working mom in the legal field and yet, she shared my desire to channel the energy that helped us succeed in that world into something else. As a long-time believer and follower of manifestation principles AND athlete (as I mentioned above), I was particularly attracted to BioSyncing because of the connection Angela makes between our values, vision, purpose, and manifestations of each with our bodies and how we treat, move, and care for them. The BioSyncing program helped me connect my goals as a mother, a partner, a friend, and an entrepreneur, and my spiritual beliefs and practices with how I live my life, feed my body, exercise, and think. I love and recommend any part of Angela’s offerings and community!"



Guidance & Wisdom

"Angela’s guidance and wisdom has been one of the most transformative experiences I have ever experienced. In addition to her vast knowledge on women’s health, her tools and techniques on truly connecting with yourself, your dreams and your spirituality are guaranteed to elevate anyone to the next level. She doesn’t just think 10x- she embodies it and instills it in others. Having Angela as a mentor and coach has truly been life changing for me and her words, compassion and endless guidance have inspires me to keep moving forward on some of my most challenging days- I am beyond grateful for all she does and has helped to create in my life."


New York

Extra Support

"The community has caught me a few times, which has been lovely. Just to have that extra support which you don't always get from your other network.

The work around mindset, specifically around the morning routine has really made quite a significant difference to my day to day life."



Massive Impact

"I have been able to reduce my medication for Graves disease and feel a huge improvement in my mood every day and this has massively impacted what I am achieving daily. I have doubled my step count and have added in resistance and weights sessions weekly. I am losing weight and inches. My Brain Fog has lifted, I have more energy and more clarity about my goals values and where I want to put my energy. I now have a great morning routine which makes me feel accomplished first thing in the morning, as Angela said it would. Overall, I just truly found the course to be amazing, I learned soo much for myself, my family and my own clients. Thank you Angela, for giving me my love, excitement and wonder for life back again, I turn 40 next week and I can’t wait to see what I can achieve in my next decade. Thankyou for teaching me how to love myself again and that everything is possible xxx"



Amazing Coach

"Angela is an amazing coach. She is a wealth of knowledge and her programs and podcast are filled with so much amazing content. Working with Angela has helped me understand so much more about my body and how to work with it to optimize my overall health and energy. As a 54 year old woman getting through menopause and focusing on longevity of my life is so important to me. Angela has been an amazing guide getting me started on this path. With a background in health coaching I had a great foundation but there were places I was stuck. Angela took me to the next level and showed me how to overcome these obstacles. What really is different about Angela is she goes deep, over delivers, and addresses my specific body’s needs. I’m so grateful for her help and support."



Changed my life...

“I would like to deeply thank you for changing my life...I am now a happy and healthy woman. I’m so pleased I have met you. Thank you for your patience with me, your approach is AMAZING! Being a member of your program is a great investment, it’s worth every penny and I couldn’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me.”

Lala A


Our Mission

Our Mission Is To Create The Largest Community of High Performing Women Who Are Not Only Living THEIR Best Life But POSITIVELY IMPACTING The Lives Of Those Around Them. The Question Is... Will You RISE UP and Be One Of Them?

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