Angela Foster Performance Podcasts - Episode 126

EP 126 – How to Upgrade Your Brain & Body with The Most Nutrient Dense Foods on the Planet with James Barry Founder of ‘Pluck’

James Barry founder of ‘Pluck’, celebrity chef, best-selling author and expert on offal talks to Angela about why we are currently missing the benefits of ancestral foods and the impact it has on our health

He discusses the widely held misconceptions around organ meat and how they contain many nutrients and vitamins that can support your nutritional health and well being

This is a great opportunity to understand more about the role of organ meats, their nutrient density and why we should all learn to listen to our bodies and eat more intuitively  

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How to Upgrade Your Brain & Body with The Most Nutrient Dense Foods on the Planet with James Barry Founder of ‘Pluck’

James Barry founder of ‘Pluck’, celebrity chef, best-selling author and expert on offal talks to Angela about why we are currently missing the benefits of ancestral foods and the impact it has on our health

He discusses the widely held misconceptions around organ meat and how they contain many nutrients and vitamins that can support your nutritional health and well being

This is a great opportunity to understand more about the role of organ meats, their nutrient density and why we should all learn to listen to our bodies and eat more intuitively  

Key Takeaways

  • People have a misconception that organ meat is where the toxins are stored but this is not true they are a filtration system
  • Organ meats contain many nutrients and vitamins to support filtration in removing things
  • If the detoxification pathways of your body are working well then toxins leave the body
  • If toxins are stored it is mostly in the fat of the body
  • Across the world, we are mostly calorie-rich and nutrient deficient
  • Toxins are in the air, the water and in food so it’s vital your detoxification pathways are open and functioning efficiently
  • The industry is focused on growing beef as fast as possible and achieving the heaviest weight for profit but the health of the animal equals the health of you
  • You should use the product for finishing meals as any heat lowers the nutrient density
  • Micro dosing frequently does work and is a way of adjusting your taste buds
  • We are missing ancestral foods and Pluck is trying to bring these to diets in a modern way
  • They are many things we can be empowered by and looking at what we are eating should always be the place we start
  • When you remove processed foods from your diet your palate starts to change and you can taste things better
  • We need to listen to our bodies more and eat more intuitively

Best Moments

‘It’s a great way of enhancing the nutrient density’

‘I classify organ meats as Mother Nature’s multi vitamin’

‘Umami, the fifth sense is a taste that enhances the flavour of everything else’

About the Host

Angela Foster

Angela is a Nutritionist, Health and Performance Coach. She is also the Founder and CEO of My DNA Edge, an Exclusive Private Membership Site giving individuals the tools and bio hacks needed to optimise their genetic expression for optimal health and performance.

After recovering from a serious illness in 2014, Angela left the world of Corporate Law with a single mission in mind:

To inspire and educate others to live an energetic, healthful and limitless life.

Angela believes that we can truly have it all and has spent the last 5 years researching the habits and routines of high performers, uncovering age-old secrets, time-honoured holistic practices and modern science to create a blueprint for Optimal Human Performance.

About the Guest

James Barry’s 16 + years in the culinary field started as a private chef. He had the good fortune of cooking for celebrities such as Tom Cruise, Mariska Hargitay, George Clooney, Gerard Butler, Sean “Puffy” Combs, Barbra Streisand, and John Cusack. Not wanting to limit the audience of his healthy and tasty style of cooking, James started Wholesome2Go, a healthy, high-quality food delivery company that served under his leadership in the Los Angeles area for 8 years. Most recently, James launched his first functional food product, Pluck, an organ-based, all-purpose seasoning. It’s the first of its kind and an amazingly easy and delicious way for people to get organ meats into their diet.

James co-authored the recipes in Margaret Floyd’s book Eat Naked and co-authored the follow-up cookbook The Naked Foods Cookbook. He most recently co-authored the recipes in Dr. Alejandro Junger’s book, Clean 7.



Pluck website

James Barry Instagram

eatpluck Instagram

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