High Performance Health Podcasts - 303

Reverse Biological Aging & Enhance Your Longevity with Dr Chris Shade

Angela talks to Dr Chris Shade about the concept of longevity and the creation of the Longevity Wheel. The Longevity Wheel is a graphical representation of the key factors that contribute to longevity, including Nrf2 and AMPK activation, NAD optimization, sirtuin activation, telomere maintenance, senolytics, and the neuroendocrine system.


Angela talks to Dr Chris Shade about the concept of longevity and the creation of the Longevity Wheel. The Longevity Wheel is a graphical representation of the key factors that contribute to longevity, including Nrf2 and AMPK activation, NAD optimization, sirtuin activation, telomere maintenance, senolytics, and the neuroendocrine system.

Dr Shade explains how each of these factors plays a role in promoting longevity and discusses the importance of supplementation and lifestyle choices in optimising these pathways. The conversation also touches on the impact of genetics, the role of inflammation in aging, and the benefits of fasting and exercise.

Key Takeaways

The Longevity Wheel is a graphical representation of the key factors that can affect longevity.
It includes Nrf2 and AMPK at the top, followed by NAD, sirtuins, telomeres, senolytics, and the neuroendocrine system.
These factors can be targeted through supplementation to promote a younger version of the body.
NAD levels naturally decline with age, and this decline can be accelerated by inflammatory processes.
Supplementing with NAD precursors, such as NMN or NR, can help maintain NAD levels and support mitochondrial function.
It is important to balance NAD supplementation with adequate methyl donors to avoid potential side effects.
Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that shorten with age.
When telomeres become too short, cells enter a senescent state, characterized by inflammation and reduced cell growth.
Senolytics, such as quercetin and fisetin, can help remove senescent cells, while maintaining optimal glutathione levels and Nrf2 activation can support telomere health.
Fasting and exercise can stimulate autophagy, AMPK activation, and ketone production, which are beneficial for longevity.
Intermittent fasting, especially during specific phases of the menstrual cycle for women, can optimise these processes.

Best Moments

"The AMPK charge has berberine and resveratrol and cinnamon, which are strong AMPK activators."

"Fasting reboots the immune system. It reboots all kinds of stuff. Often, we want to be able to reverse everything without changing our diet, without doing something like fasting, but you need to do that."

"You need a lot of methyl groups for those people. And then the more under stress you are, the more methyl groups you generally need."

"Fasting stimulates all of this stuff. Fasting is so freaking good because fasting stimulates all of this stuff. Fasting reboots the immune system."


The High-Performance Health Podcast is all about optimising your body, mind and lifestyle for high performance.

Packed full of actionable insights, strategies, bio hacks, lifestyle hacks, mindset strategies and expert performance advice, Angela Foster is on a mission to optimise your human potential. Featuring interviews with some of the top experts on the planet in the fields of health, performance and business, this show aims to inspire, educate and empower you to live an energetic, healthful and limitless life.

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About the Guest

Christopher Shade, PhD, founder and CEO of Quicksilver Scientific, continues to be a driving force of development and innovation in Functional and Integrative Medicine, creating high-efficacy detoxification systems for wellness and longevity by employing high-bioavailability delivery systems for nutraceuticals and whole-plant extracts.

About Angela

Angela is a Nutritionist, Health and Performance Coach. She is also the Founder and CEO of My DNA Edge, an Exclusive Private Membership Site giving individuals the tools and bio hacks needed to optimise their genetic expression for optimal health and performance.

Angela believes that we can truly have it all and has spent the last 5 years researching the habits and routines of high performers, uncovering age-old secrets, time-honoured holistic practices and modern science to create a blueprint for Optimal Human Performance.

Angela is a functional nutrition practitioner and executive health & performance coach.

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