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Empowering Beliefs

Angela Foster Performance Podcasts - Episode 113

EP 113 – Empowering Beliefs, Behaviour Change & Creating a New Self-image with Colin Hiles

Colin Hiles is an expert in developing high-performance teams and is a specialist in the psychology of change

In this fascinating episode, Angela and Colin discuss what it takes to step into your future self and the importance of your environment on the journey to change

When it comes to setting and achieving goals you have to get the inside right but you also have to get the outside right and when you think you are stuck it could be that you need to understand and change the context of your environment

Ultimately to become the person you want to be and change your behaviours you need to create and be in control of your environment or your environment will create and control you.

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Empowering Beliefs, Behaviour Change & Creating a New Self-image with Colin Hiles

Colin Hiles is an expert in developing high-performance teams and is a specialist in the psychology of change

In this fascinating episode, Angela and Colin discuss what it takes to step into your future self and the importance of your environment on the journey to change

When it comes to setting and achieving goals you have to get the inside right but you also have to get the outside right and when you think you are stuck it could be that you need to understand and change the context of your environment

Ultimately to become the person you want to be and change your behaviours you need to create and be in control of your environment or your environment will create and control you.

Key Takeaways

  • Everything starts for anyone with future perfect thinking, setting a goal or intention that you want to be different
  • For balance across your life set goals for health, wealth, love and lifestyle
  • You must have a reason ‘why’ and your ‘why’ power needs to be strong enough to drive you forward
  • We can become stuck in ‘the must be me’ paradigm because our perception is context-specific
  • Context is the environment you are in when you are making a decision it can be either physical or physical and social
  • When you associate with people who are part of your future focus you can make changes
  • The strongest form of commitment is external
  • When you set a goal you have to go outside of yourself and set a context that looks like the future when you get there
  • Beliefs are evidence-based and self-signalling that you are becoming the person you want to be builds your belief
  • When you begin to behave in the way your future self would, you begin to prove to yourself that you are that person
  • Often something that causes us pain is what moves us to take action
  • You can use both negative and positive consequences to force you into taking action
  • Once you become the person and have the identity locked in place everything else follows
  • Behaviour comes from identity and behaviour changes identity
  • If your behaviours are the behaviours of the future person you want to be then you will become that person
  • You have to understand what you need to keep doing and if you do it long enough it will become who you are

Best Moments

‘Your social bubble is hugely influential and you are with either accomplices or allies’

‘Set the environment up that supports you in making an easier choice’

‘The ultimate aim is not the goal but becoming the person who can achieve that goal’

About the Host

Angela Foster

Angela is a Nutritionist, Health and Performance Coach. She is also the Founder and CEO of My DNA Edge, an Exclusive Private Membership Site giving individuals the tools and bio hacks needed to optimise their genetic expression for optimal health and performance.

After recovering from a serious illness in 2014, Angela left the world of Corporate Law with a single mission in mind:

To inspire and educate others to live an energetic, healthful and limitless life.

Angela believes that we can truly have it all and has spent the last 5 years researching the habits and routines of high performers, uncovering age-old secrets, time-honoured holistic practices and modern science to create a blueprint for Optimal Human Performance.

About the Guest

Colin Hiles

Colin Hiles is an expert in improving Leadership Capability, developing High-Performance Teams, and Mindset Change.

He specialises in helping his clients gain alignment and commitment between an organisation and its people, ensuring that organisations can continue to grow and develop in an ever-changing environment.

As an experienced executive coach and specialist in the psychology of change, Colin supports senior executives across all industries, in the public, and private sectors, to achieve a change in mindset at the individual or organisational level.

Over the last 23 years, Colin has coached hundreds of thousands of individuals globally on peak performance technologies, on how to get the best out of themselves, and on gaining mental toughness.

He is a talented conference host and facilitator who has appeared before audiences of up to 1,500 people, as well as leading the design and the delivery of significant events which have involved multiple consultants, and full production teams.

He believes to live a fulfilling life we need both roots and wings. His wife, his boys, his journal and his inner circle provide the roots. While making a difference in peoples’ lives is what provides his wings.

Colin is married and has three sons. He lives in Southern Spain and enjoys surfing, eating fajitas, and discussing the meaning of life (but not all at the same time!).

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