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Angela Foster Performance Podcasts - Episode 174

EP 174 – Bitesize Biohacks – Fasting For Women

Continuing with the theme of hormones in this bitesize episode Angela looks at the neuropeptide hormone, kisspeptin and the vital role it plays in fasting

There is a common misconception that the more fasting you do the better but as a woman, it’s all about hormonal balance and Angela explains how kisspeptin works and shares a short clip from her interview with Dr Stacey Sims, who shares invaluable information on the importance for women of taking into account hormonal balance when fasting


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Bitesize Biohacks - Fasting For Women

Continuing with the theme of hormones in this bitesize episode Angela looks at the neuropeptide hormone, kisspeptin and the vital role it plays in fasting

There is a common misconception that the more fasting you do the better but as a woman, it’s all about hormonal balance and Angela explains how kisspeptin works and shares a short clip from her interview with Dr Stacey Sims, who shares invaluable information on the importance for women of taking into account hormonal balance when fasting


Key Takeaways

  • The neuropeptide kisspeptin is really important in the context of fasting
  • To go into full cellular autophagy takes anyway between 24 and 48 hours depending on the individual
  • Exercise is a powerful tool in stimulating autophagy
  • Intermittent fasting and keto are more of an elimination diet
  • If you are layering exercise and intermittent fasting it will take you above the stress level that a woman’s body should be in
  • Kisspeptin is responsible for turning the endocrine system on and off
  • One of the by-products of the conversion of oestrogen is more cortisol

Best Moments

‘Pre-fuelling with essential amino acids can be very positive’

‘The whole hormonal aspect of what’s happening is so far removed from what a man would experience’

‘You need to think about your diet and exercise together’

About the Host

Angela Foster

Angela is a Nutritionist, Health and Performance Coach. She is also the Founder and CEO of My DNA Edge, an Exclusive Private Membership Site giving individuals the tools and bio hacks needed to optimise their genetic expression for optimal health and performance.

After recovering from a serious illness in 2014, Angela left the world of Corporate Law with a single mission in mind:

To inspire and educate others to live an energetic, healthful and limitless life.

Angela believes that we can truly have it all and has spent the last 5 years researching the habits and routines of high performers, uncovering age-old secrets, time-honoured holistic practices and modern science to create a blueprint for Optimal Human Performance.

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