High Performance Health Podcasts - 274

Bitesize Biohack: Finding Your Authentic Self with Dr John Demartini

In a preview of her upcoming interview with Dr John DeMartini, Angela and her very special guest discuss the power of authenticity and living in alignment with our highest values.


In a preview of her upcoming interview with Dr John DeMartini, Angela and her very special guest discuss the power of authenticity and living in alignment with our highest values. Dr. Demartini believes that motivation is a symptom of not being authentic, and that when we are living in alignment with our values, our body and mind flourish. He also highlights the importance of exemplifying what we teach and finding joy in doing what we love.

Key Takeaways

The power of our thoughts: The transcript emphasizes the belief that what we think about, we become. Our thoughts and focus determine the direction our lives take.
Authenticity and congruence: The importance of being true to oneself and living in alignment with our values is highlighted. When we are authentic and congruent, we are naturally motivated and driven to do what is meaningful to us.
The body's feedback: Our bodies provide feedback through physiological symptoms to guide us back to authenticity. Every symptom is seen as a way for the body to try to get us back on track and living in alignment with our true selves.

Best Moments

"The highest value you spontaneously do, you don't have to discipline yourself to do it."

"Motivation is a symptom. If you need motivation, you aren't being authentic."

"When we are authentic, the doors of opportunity reward it. People get literally the synchronicity start lining up for opportunities."


The High-Performance Health Podcast is all about optimising your body, mind and lifestyle for high performance.

Packed full of actionable insights, strategies, bio hacks, lifestyle hacks, mindset strategies and expert performance advice, Angela Foster is on a mission to optimise your human potential. Featuring interviews with some of the top experts on the planet in the fields of health, performance and business, this show aims to inspire, educate and empower you to live an energetic, healthful and limitless life.

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About Angela

Angela is a Nutritionist, Health and Performance Coach. She is also the Founder and CEO of My DNA Edge, an Exclusive Private Membership Site giving individuals the tools and bio hacks needed to optimise their genetic expression for optimal health and performance.

Angela believes that we can truly have it all and has spent the last 5 years researching the habits and routines of high performers, uncovering age-old secrets, time-honoured holistic practices and modern science to create a blueprint for Optimal Human Performance.

Angela is a functional nutrition practitioner and executive health & performance coach.

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